Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Entry 1: Correlation Of My Major &&. Dance

        For the first time I am able to combine 2 of my favorite things: (1) psychology (2) dance. As I think about my major (PSYCHOLOGY), I feel as though it can go hand and hand. To correlate these to subject, I looked at psychology being the DISORDER and DANCE being the intervention or the treatment. I looked at this correlation because when I get upset or find myself needing a way to escape from the world I turn to dancing and music. So in my opinion I thin kthat dance can serve as a treatment for those that need to find a way to express themselves. With psychology is all about the mind and I think the first step in dance, is being able to settle your mind and letting the movements just flow.

        To be even more specific, my major is developmental psychology which mainly deals with children. So in my opinion I feel as though many children use the sense of movements to communicate howthey are feeling. Dance is a type of nonvebal communication so wy not take advantage of it. So much emotions and understnading can come from the movements of a dance phrase.

These are just a few ways that my major and dance correlate!

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