Friday, May 3, 2013

Entry 8: World Dance Timeline

Entry 7: Pointed Toes

With taken dance classes this semester I was told multiple times to learn how to pointe my toes. I never understood why even though I have been dancing since I was little. However, I did more of a hip hop type of choreography so pointing my toes was never an issue.

In contemporary dance when we were doing bar stretches I noticed that Professor always have her toes pointed. It made all of her dance movements seem long and perfect. So I just eventually started to point my toes justfor the fun of it. Until one day I went into my dance practice at my church and I was dancing and I noticed that I was pointing my toes as I danced. my dance instructor was so proud of me. And if I must say it too, I was proud of myself. I even video camera myself dancing just to see the difference between pointing my toes and not pointing my toes.
Wanting to know more about the pointing of the toes, I learned that ballet dancers point their feet to make, long, graceful lines with their legs. This statement I found to be true after watching myself on camera.

Entry 6: Diagram of Spacing For Contemporary Dance Class Choreography

Entry 5: FNAR 267 Contemporary Dance

So excited, today we start our class choreograph !!! However, I most say that I was a bit confused when we first started. Professor started to ask each student to go over their dance phrases in front of the class. As the student went over their phrases, the other students started to catch on to these phrases. By the end of the class everyone was able to do everyone phrase.

With the variety of different phrases and styles put together, I had no idea how Professor was going to be able to find the music to go with these different combinations. As we repeatedly went over the dance phrases I noticed that mostly everyone's phrases had something in common.

Professor pointed out that the class choreogrpahy would be performed during the month of Women Against Violence Awareness. This trandition was started in October of 1981 by the national Coalition Against Domestic Violence. The intent was to connect battered womens advocate across the nation who were working to end violence against women and their children.  Later along the line, many women and others will gather together for a week and particiapte in a range of activties with common themes. THese themems consist of mourning those who have died because of domestic violence, celelbrating those who survived, and connectine those who work to end violence.

For this reason our class choregraphy was dedicated to Women Against Violence Awareness.